The Great Cookie Exchange

While we are unable to gather to exchange holiday cookies this year at  Church, get your aprons on and your oven’s preheated for our Cookie Recipe Exchange!

Have fun sharing your favorite cookie recipe!

While we are unable to gather to exchange holiday cookies this year at  Church, get your aprons on and your oven’s preheated for our Cookie Recipe Exchange!

Have fun sharing your favorite cookie recipe!

New Recipes from Jan

History of the Cookie Walk

The annual Cookie Walk originated as a youth group activity.  The homemade cookies and candies were, of course, donated. 

The church members would purchase plates full of cookies.  The proceeds from the cookie sales would be used by the youth to go shopping. 

They would shop to provide items to a family that needed help putting gifts under the tree that year.

In the spirit of the tradition we hope that we can all take this time to help others.

With the holidays upon us, you can easily give back to your favorite nonprofit organization by shopping via Amazon Smile!
Just visit, choose The Little Bit Foundation as your charity of choice, and shop normally! Amazon will donate .5% of your purchase.
This is a perfect example of “a little bit can mean a lot,” and we appreciate the things you do for St Louis students!
Happy holidays and happy shopping!